Zipped download file now includes more helpful information

We have improved the download functionality so that it gives you more helpful information on the data you got and made the zipped download file more consistent among different download options.

The zipped download file you got through the download functionality on the OBIS-SEAMAP mapping pages (Advanced Search, Dataset Page or Species Page) now includes:


This CSV file lists the information of the datasets that provided the data you downloaded, including dataset name, provider's contact information, data sharing policy and citation to the dataset. This file will be helpful to get contact with the data provider(s) for more details or build the citations for your product or publication.

fgdc_metadata folder

Metadata for all the datasets that provided the data you downloaded are placed in the "fgdc_metadata" folder. The metadata is in XML format.

For more details, please take a look at Download OBIS-SEAMAP data.

We hope these improvements streamline your research work.