Georgia Loggerhead Tracking Project 2005

Mark Dodd

Dataset credit

Data provider
Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Originating data center
Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool (STAT)
Project partner
This project is a collaboration between the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, the University of Georgia-Warnell School of Forest Resources, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


Primary contact Mark Dodd Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Data entry Michael Coyne



The purpose of this study is to document inter-nesting habitat use, migratory pathways, and post-nesting movements of Georgia?s nesting loggerhead turtles using satellite and conventional telemetry. Loggerhead turtle movements will be compared with the distributions of commercial fishing and dredging activity and results will be used to make management recommendations to protect adult loggerhead sea turtles and their habitats. During the second year of our study, We deployed a total of twelve satellite transmitters on Sapelo (8) and Blackbeard Islands (4). In addition to monitoring loggerhead movement patterns, our tracking project provides a unique educational opportunity for students to learn more about Georgia?s loggerhead turtles and coastal marine ecosystems. School kids from grades K-5 were given the opportunity to submit names for eight of the turtles. Over 240 Georgia students in kindergarten through fifth grade took part in the sea turtle naming contest. Click on each individual turtle to get more information.



Supplemental information

Visit STAT's project page for additional information.




This section explains attributes included in the original dataset. OBIS-SEAMAP restricts the attributes available to the public to date/time, lat/lon and species names/counts only. Should you need other attributes described here, you are encouraged to contact the data provider.

Attributes described below represent those in the original dataset provided by the provider.
Only minimum required attributes are visible and downloadable online. Other attributes may be obtained upon provider's permission.

Attributes in dataset

Attribute (table column)Description
prognumProgram number
tag_idPTT ID
lcLocation class
iqQuality indicator
dir1Dir 1
nb_mesNumber of messages received
big_nb_mesdefinition not provided
best_levelBest signal strength in dB
pass_durationPass duration in seconds
nopcNumber Of Plausibility Checks successful (from 0-4)
calcul_freqCalculated frequency
altitudeAltitude used for location calculation
speciesSpecies name
project_idSTAT Project ID
lc_filterParameters to location filtering
speed_filterParameters to speed filtering
distance_filterParameters to distance filtering
topo_filterParameters to topo filtering
time_filterParameters to time filtering
angle_filterParameters to angle filtering
life_stageLife stage of the animal
genderGender of the animal
wetdryWet or dry
wetdry_filterParameters to Wet or dry filterint
obs_datetimeDate and time (local time zone)
timezone_hTime difference from UTC
Marine mammals0
Sea turtles9,117
Rays and sharks0
Other species0
Non spatial0
Non species0
Date, Begin2005-05-21
Date, End2007-01-24
Temporal prec.111111
Latitude20.53 - 50.28
Longitude-137.62 - -10.97
Coord. prec.3 decimal digits
Data typeTelemetry location
TracklinesYES (ID: 963)
Traveled (km)224,034
Travel hours101,352
Contr. throughSatellite Tracking and Analysis Tool
Sharing policy Permission required
Shared with SWOT
GBIF (via DOI)*
* Aggregated summary
See metadata in static HTML
See metadata in FGDC XML
See download history / statistics