OTN Canada Sable Island Grey Seal Bioprobes - Tag Release Metadata

OTN Portal Manager, Ocean Tracking Network

Dataset credit

OBIS and Ocean Tracking Network


Primary contact OTN Portal Manager Ocean Tracking Network


Iverson, S.J., Bowen, W.D., Jonsen, I. and Lidgard, D. 2012. Sable Island Grey Seal Bioprobes. Version # In OBIS Digital Collections. Published by OBIS, Digital http://www.obis.org/. Accessed on - INSERT DATE
Otn portal manager. 2020. OTN Canada Sable Island Grey Seal Bioprobes - Tag Release Metadata. Data downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP (http://seamap.env.duke.edu/dataset/103152464) on yyyy-mm-dd and originated from OBIS (https://obis.org/dataset/6c9b9a77-8a58-4b75-b2bc-b0b6df3a6709)


This is the OBIS extraction of the OTN Canada Sable Island Grey Seal Bioprobes project, consisting only of the release tagging metadata. i.e. the locations and dates of tagged animal release. If readers are interested in the full source dataset they should refer to the OTN web site (members.oceantrack.org). Abstract: Objectives are to better understand the ecological function of large marine carnivores in continental-shelf ecosystems, using grey seals as our model species and novel acoustic technology developed for OTN. There are two components: 1) spatial and temporal patterns of prey encounters by a mobile, large marine predator, and 2) predator movements and foraging distribution in relation to fine- and meso- scale seasonal oceanography in eastern Canada. The first study will contribute to science advice on the impact of pinniped predation on the dynamics of prey populations of commercial or conservation importance. The second study seeks to understand the oceanographic features that grey seals may use to condition the way they search the environment for food and in turn predict how climate variability and long-term change may affect upper-trophic level predators and alter their impact on continental shelf ecosystems.



Supplemental information

This dataset was downloaded from OBIS (https://obis.org/). The records for only marine mammals, seabirds, sea turtles and rays and sharks were extracted. Records with no longitude/latitude or no date (eventDate) were excluded.
OBIS dataset page:
Data Provider's dataset page:


Iverson, S.J., Bowen, W.D., Jonsen, I. and Lidgard, D. 2012. Sable Island Grey Seal Bioprobes. Version # In OBIS Digital Collections. Published by OBIS, Digital http://www.obis.org/. Accessed on - INSERT DATE



This section explains attributes included in the original dataset. OBIS-SEAMAP restricts the attributes available to the public to date/time, lat/lon and species names/counts only. Should you need other attributes described here, you are encouraged to contact the data provider.

Attributes described below represent those in the original dataset provided by the provider.
All attributes are included in the downloadable file (CSV or ESRI File Geodatabase) for "Complete Set of Dataset".

Attributes in dataset

Attribute (table column)Description
oidInternal ID
idRecord ID
dataset_idDataset ID
scientificnameScientific name
vernacularnameVernacular name
aphiaidAphia ID
taxonranktaxononic rank
individualcountGroup size / individual count
eventdateEvent date (precision varies)
eventtimeEvent time
decimallatitudeLatitude in decimal degrees
decimallongitudeLongitude in decimal degrees
coordinateprecisionCoordinate precision
catalognumberCatalog number
collectioncodeCollection code
occurrencestatusOccurrence status
basisofrecordBasis of record (HumanObservation / MachineObservation)
modifiedDate/time the record was modified
node_idNode ID
occurrenceidOccurrence ID
occurrenceremarksOccurrence remarks
eventidEvent ID
institutioncodeInstitution code
lifestageLife stage
sexGender of the animal if known
speciesSpecies by provider
datasetidDataset ID by provider
localityLocation of ocean
waterbodyDetails of ocean
droppedFlag indicating the record was dropped (always false)
absenceFlag indicating the record represents the absence of the species (always false)
marineFlag indicating the record is for marine life (always true)
Marine mammals139
Sea turtles0
Rays and sharks0
Other species0
Non spatial0
Non species0
Date, Begin2009-10-15
Date, End2016-09-24
Temporal prec.111000
Latitude43.93 - 47.80
Longitude-64.93 - -59.74
Coord. prec.6 decimal digits
Data typeAnimal sighting
Traveled (km)0
Contr. throughiOBIS
Sharing policy CC-BY (All)
Shared with None
See metadata in static HTML
See metadata in FGDC XML
See download history / statistics